SonicWall SOHO Router Configuration Guide
This guide will walk you through the setup process for the SonicWall SOHO 250 Router. It will ensure that your device is configured with the best practice configuration settings for VoIP Quality of Service (QoS).
Log in to the Router
- Install the router into your network.
- Go to (the default IP) in the address bar of a web browser.
- The default credentials are:
Username: admin
Password: admin - Click Log In.
VoIP Settings
- Expand the VoIP Category > Click on Settings
- Check the Enable consistent NAT box, uncheck all of the other settings.
- Click Accept to save the changes.
Firewall Settings
- Expand the Firewall Settings Category > Click on BWM (Bandwidth Management)
- Under Bandwidth Management Type, select Global.
- Under Priority, disable every category, except for Medium, which is enabled by default;
- Set Guaranteed to 50%;
- Set Maximum\Burst to 100%.
- Click Accept to save the changes.
Network Interfaces
- Expand the Network Category > Click on Interfaces> Click on X1 (WAN).
- Under the General tab, click the Configure icon to the right.
- Go to the Advanced Tab.
- Set the Link Speed to Auto Negotiate (Unless you are required to set it to something specific).
- Enable Egress.
- Set Interface Egress Bandwith to match the available Bandwidth.
- Enable Ingress.
- Set Interface Ingress Bandwith to match the available Bandwidth.
- Click OK to save the changes.
Network Services
- Expand the Network Category> Click on Services
- Under Services, click Add.
- Add the following services to support SimpleVoIP Desk Phones
- RC1: UDP 40000 - 49999 - Media/Media Secured
- RC2: UDP 7000 - Signaling
- RC3: TCP 7000 - Signaling
- RC7: UDP - 123 - Network Time Service
- RC8: TCP 636 - LDAP Directory Service
- RC9: TCP 443 - Provisioning
- RC10: TCP 80 - Provisioning
- Click Accept to save the changes.
Network Services
- Expand the Firewall Category> Click on Access Rules
- Click Add.
- Add the following services to support SimpleVoIP Desk Phones
- Create two new rules for WAN to LAN and LAN to WAN. Refer to the screenshots below
- You should see the new SimpleVoIP Rules added below.
- Click the pencil Edit icon for both settings.
- Click on Ethernet BWM.
- Enable Inbound and Outbound bandwidth management settings and set to Realtime.
- Click on the QoS tab.
- Set the DSCP Marking Action to Explicit.
- Set the Explicity DSCP Value to 46.
- Click OK to save.
Ports and Firewall Settings
- Reference the SimpleVoIP: Firewall Setup article for information regarding IPs, ports, and config servers that should be whitelisted.