There are a lot of times when Microsoft does not behave in a consistent manner. Generally, this is related to slow propagation of changes that are made into Microsoft Admin portals or via PowerShell. Unfortunately, the solution is to wait for Microsoft and to build processes that take into account this unpredictability.
The solution is to know what to expect in the many instances where slow propagation can affect you:
When you assign and/or change User or Phone System licenses to Enterprise Users. e.g. I changed my license, did a test call immediately, and it failed.
Microsoft Propagation of assigned licenses can take time, especially during peak U.S. Business hours.
It is best to apply these types of changes during lean hours to allow propagation and prevent any downtime.
When you kick-off a Direct Routing setup
A DirectRouting User is set up in the Microsoft Enterprise - this User is assigned licenses. Assignment has to be Complete before Direct Routing process can continue. Solution: Confirm assignment is complete and restart Direct Routing setup.
When you Delete a Teams Application you would like to replace.
Microsoft will cache the deleted Application for 15-30 minutes. Wait before re-installing the Teams Application for the Microsoft cache to clear or it will fail.