Manual Provisioning of SIP Devices
If your devices pull their configurations from our servers, they will automatically receive the preferred settings for registering to our servers.
Some devices are not supported by our auto-provisioning service, however, and those need to be manually configured to work with our service.
Here are the settings that we recommend to ensure that devices can successfully register to our servers and properly fail over to a different zone in the case that their primary zone is unavailable.
Note: Setting names may vary from device to device.
SIP Credentials:
- username: <provided by SimpleVoIP Support or accessible via Devices in SmartPBX>
- password: <provided by SimpleVoIP Support or accessible via Devices in SmartPBX>
- realm: <provided by SimpleVoIP Support or accessible via Devices in SmartPBX>
Connection Settings:
- Transport/Protocol, in order of preference: NAPTR, UDP
- Registration expiry/timeout: 360 seconds
- Port: 7000
Server/Host Settings:
Note: Always use an "outbound proxy" when setting up devices to ensure failover capability.
NAPTR is a DNS record type that allows us to specify a prioritized list of service-providing hosts.
It enables simple failover from zone to zone, because as soon as a device looks up our NAPTR record, we can give it a list of A records (hostnames) that it can connect to, and the order in which it should try them (e.g. try host first, then try, etc.).
Some devices do not support NAPTR-based hostname resolution. If you can connect to us using one of our NAPTR records, you should. If you can't, you may have to manually fail over your device to another zone in the case of a zone-wide outage.
Either way, choose a hostname from the zone that is closest to you geographically.
With NAPTR support:
US-East (New Jersey):
US-Central (Chicago):
US-West (San Jose):
Without NAPTR support:
US-East (New Jersey):
US-Central (Chicago):
US-West (San Jose):