 Call Center Pro
Basic Info
- 5 Queue Routing
- Hold Treatment audio file
- Timeout
- Queue Call Limit
- Timeout if empty
- Escalation queue
- Escalation call flow after the timeout
- Additional options for Hold (see below)
- Record all calls in queue
Routing Strategy
- Most Idle
- Least Calls Handled
- Least Offered made
- Round Robin
- Skill-based (Loose)
- Skill-based (Strict)
Hold Treatment
- Media File
- Announce Position
- Announce Wait
- Pause
- Build your own order
Agent Behavior
- Agent Connect Timeout
- Force Away on Rejected/Missed
- Agent Recovery Time
- Allow Recovery Time Extension
- Allow Unlimited Recovery Time Extensions
Member Assignment
- Drag from Member list to queue
- List previews how many queues member is already assigned to
- Members list in new window
- Agents and Managers displayed in the same list
Agent Summary bar
- Total Calls
- Missed Calls
- Calls Handled
List of queues page status preview
- Agents Active
- Longest Wait
- Calls in Queue
- Missed Calls(removed)
- Abandoned Calls
- Paused / Activate button
- Agents Ready
- Agents Busy
- Agents Away
- Call Handling performance bar
Queue Reporting -
Activity Logs
- Shows all events in queue
- Search by agent, event, phone #
- Filter by Activity
- Sort by a single agent or all agents
- Download .csv or print results
Queue Reporting -
Member List
- Name
- Role
- Status
- Handling
- Session length
- Time Marked as away
- Assign Skills
- Sort high to low on any variable
Queue Reporting - Calls in queue
- Review calls in list
- Admins and Managers can
Performance Reports
Activity Breakdown
- Filter by agent and/or queue
- Shows current session
- Compare multiple Agents or single agent, multiple queues
- Download .csv or print results
Call Center Members Summary
- Display list of members
- Add available users as member
- Summary shows
- member
- session duration
- Assigned Queues (# + name)
- Call recording on / off
- Skills tags
- Manage / Edit Skills
- Use 1 or more rules
- Assign multiple skill tags per agent
- Set loose/strict criteria in routing strategy
User Interface
- Configuration in multi-screens / Steps using a Wizard style setup